Paradise Wood

Paradise Wood is a research woodland being established by the Earth Trust (formerly Northmoor Trust) between the villages of Little Wittenham and Long Wittenham in Oxfordshire England.

Planning for the wood started in 1992 and tree planting began in 1993 [1]. The project was originally developed by Gabriel Hemery and was established as a centre for research into the improvement of the quality and productivity hardwood trees [2]. The ultimate aim is to create a woodland of 55 hectares in area.

On the northern edge of Paradise Wood a small community woodland was planted in 2005 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar. It was named after HMS Neptune as part of a project with the Woodland Trust[3]. It provides free public access [4] and contains some oak trials.

Research Trials






Agroforestry or 'silvo-poultry'

External links


  1. ^ Clark, J. and Hemery, G. (2009) Outcomes from 15 years of hardwoods research at the Northmoor Trust. Quarterly Journal of Forestry. 103, 212-219.
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  5. ^$FILE/fcin082.pdf
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  9. ^ Hemery, G.E. (2000) Juglans regia L: genetic variation and provenance performance. In: Department of Plant Sciences. University of Oxford.
  10. ^ Clark, J., Hemery, G. and Savill, P. (2008) Early growth and form of common walnut (Juglans regia L.) in mixture with tree and shrub nurse species in southern England. Forestry. 81, 631-644.
  11. ^ Jones, T., Feber, R., Hemery, G., Cook, P., James, K., Lamberth, C. and Dawkins, M. (2007) Welfare and environmental benefits of integrating commercially viable free-range broiler chickens into newly planted woodland: a UK case study. Agricultural Systems. 94, 177-188.
  12. ^ Yates, C., Dorwood, P., Hemery, G. and Cook, P. (2007) The economic viability and potential of a novel poultry agroforestry system. Agroforestry Systems. 69, 13-28.